異文化体験による日本人的心性の変容に関する研究 : 主に対人不安意識をめぐって
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It is often pointed out that negative self-awareness in interpersonal relationships is one of the major psychological characteristics peculiar to the Japanese. The purpose of this study is to discuss and clarify the following two hypotheses: (1) That the experience of living abroad in a Western culture causes some change in one's negative self-awareness in interpersonal relationships. (Study I) (2) That cultural adaptation (affiliation) styles have a certain relation to negative self-awareness in interpersonal relationships. (Study II) A questionaire consisting of 66 questions (12 factors) related to negative self-awareness composed by Ogawa, et al. (1981) was given to 3 groups: Japanese university students who had studied abroad for more than 1 academic year and who had come back within the past 1 year (N=102); Japanese university students who were studying abroad at that time (N=11); Japanese university students who intended to study abroad in the near future (N=53). The countries where they went to study were the U.S.A., U.K., Australia and New Zealand, but mainly the U.S.A. At the same time they were given another questionaire about their cross-cultural experiences that were categorized into 4 groups according to their cultural adaptation (affiliation) styles: pluralistic-bicultural style (P-B), monistic-xenophilic style (M-X), monistic-ethnocentric style (M-E) and cultural-nihilist style (C-N). 45 subjects from P-B and from M-X were selected for Study II. In Study I the first hypothesis was investigated and discussed. The results were as follows: (1) The score of negative self-awareness of the Japanese students after coming back to Japan was significantly lower than that before going abroad. It showed that before going abroad they used to worry about their interpersonal relationships more often than after they came back to Japan. (2) The students who were studying abroad for 3-4 months had more negative self-awareness than they had in Japan. They were assumed to be confronted with the problems of "cultural shock." (3) Factor IV was the most changeable factor among the 12 factors; that is, whether the subjects exhibited a "worry of being overwhelmed by crowds of people." The score of this factor became significantly higher when studying abroad than before going abroad, and it became significantly lower after coming back to Japan. From these results the first hypothesis was considered to be supported. In Study II the second hypothesis was discussed. As the result of comparing data in P-B with those in M-X it was shown that those who were more intimate and more affiliated with the Western culture than the Japanese culture had higher scores in negative selfawareness in interpersonal relationships than those who were affiliated with and adapted well to both cultures. Here the second hypothesis was also considered to be supported.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1985-10-30
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