- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan a neurosis called anthropophobia is common, and is thought to spring from Japanese culture (especially from the Japanese mode of interpersonal relationships). Symptoms of this neurosis are of a wide variety, such as fear of blushing, of exchanging glances, of being regarded as disagreeable, and of being exposed to the public eye. But in spite of these symptomatic differences, there seems to be a common self-consciousness among anthropophobics. In a therapeutic situation, they always complain about feelings of inadequacy. The purpose of this study was to investigate these characteristics of self-awareness from the psychological point of view. 1. The worries that are thought to be had by these neurotics were collected and arranged into 445 items. 100 college students and 50 anthropophobics were asked to make a self-evaluation on these 445 items, each accompanied by a 7 degree rating scale. Statistically significant differences were found in 341 of the 445 items (p<.01). According to this fact, it can be considered that anthropophobics are inclined to regard themselves as being "ill". To them, inferiority in one aspect results in considering themselves as being inferior to others in all possible ways. In other words, anthropophobics have a strong negative self-awareness. 2. Furthermore, after statistical consideration, 117 items were selected from the 341 items, and were used in the self-evaluation of 120 anthropophobics. As a result of the factor analysis concerning these 117 items, 8 factors were extracted. Factor I. Worry of the inability to blend into the group. Factor II. Personal dissatisfaction with oneself, and with one's mental function. Factor III. Awareness of others, resulting from worry of being regarded as disagreeable. Factor IV. Worry about the inability to feel "at home" in the presence of others. Factor V. Self-consciousness in the presence of others. Factor VI. Constant sense of feeling "low" and not "right". Factor VII. Worry of being overwhelmed by a crowd of people. Factor VIII. Worry of being regarded as an odd person. (In this factor, there were only a few items showing high factor loadings.)
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1974-10-05
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