- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was carried out to investigate the mechanisms of bacterial wilt suppression of tomato by pretreatment with water solution of some kinds of iron compounds. The washed roots of 5 or 6 leaf stage of tomato (cv: Momotaro) were immersed with the water solution of the iron compounds, namely ; iron (II) chloride tetrahydrate (4), ammonium iron (III) sulfate 12 water, ammonium iron (II) sulfate hexahydrate. Just after thr treatmaent, the roots of the plant were dip-inoculated with the bacterial suspension of steptomycin tolerant isolates of Ralstonia solanacearum. Then, the bacterial population in the hypocotyls were monitored with past the days. As a result, bacterial population in each iron compound solution-treted hypocotyls at 3 to 5 days after inocuiation were commonly lower then those of water treated control plants. On the other hand, change in peroxidase (POX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) activities which were related to resistant reactions on host-parasite interaction in tomato hypocotyls was measured. POX activity was commonly enhanced in all the hypocotyls at 1 day after iron compounds treatmant, and then the enzyme activity was increased for 2 or 3 days, although there was a decrease of the enzyme activity at 3 or 4 days after the treatmant, cnotemporarily, however, re-increased. The LOX highest activity was found at the time just after treatmant. Although the enzyme activity of control tomato pints teated with tap water rapidly decreased as the day pass, those of tomato pre-treated with eath iron compound did not decrease and conversely maintained stable activities. It is well knwon that POX sctivity is related to the oxidation of phenol compounds or lignifications of plants. On the other hands, LOX was the enzyme that produced the hydroperoxieds of saturated fatty scids with anti-bacterial activity, It is suggested that the enhancement of both enzymes activities at just after the treatment of iron compounds were related to suppress the proliferations of pathogenic bacterium in the vascular bundle of hypocotyl tissues. Keywards: Iron compounds, Supperssion of bacterial wilt of tomato, Peroxidase, Lipoxygenase,
- 山形大学の論文
- 2004-02-16
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