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We report our studies comparing ways to extract the melatonin from Holstein-raw milk using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Melatonin was derivatized under alkaline conditions in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting fluorogen was excited at 245nm and emission wavelength was 380nm. The derivative was separated in about 18 minutes, showing a calibration curve linear between 1.04 and 104pg (r=0.998). Four different extraction methods were investigated, using methanol, chymosin, bromelain, or trichloroacetic acid for the extraction. In the methanol extraction method, the milk was mixed with methanol, then the mixture was centrifuged, and the supernatant evaporated to dryness. The derivative was produced by adding hydrogen peroxide under alkaline conditions and heating in boiling water. The derivative was extracted with ethylacetate, and then evaporated to dryness. The residue was dissolved in aqueous CH_3CN, and aliquots were analysed by HPLC. In this method, no melatonin peak could be distinguished. In the chymosin extraction method, the milk was incubated with chymosin, then the mixture was centrifuged, and the supernatant extracted with chloroform. Then the organic layer was washed with water and dried. The derivative was produced by adding aqueous hydrogen peroxide under alkaline conditions and heating in boiling water. The mixture was then cooled in a tap water, and aliquots were analysed by HPLC. In this method, while many peaks of the hydrophilic components were obtained, the melatonin derivative was clearly distinguished. In the third method, bromelain, a typical cysteine proteinase, was used instead of chymosin, and similar clear HPLC chromatogram was obtained. In the fourth method, trichloroacetic acid was used instead of the chymosin, and again the peak of melatonin derivative was clearly isolated. The technique using chymosin (or bromelain, or trichloroacetic acid), but not the technique using methanol, was concluded to be successful for extracting melatonin from raw milk.
- 2006-07-01
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