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To promote local production for local consumption, the author et al. have been developing cooking recipes using local agricultural products at the request of Kurume-city and other groups. This report is about development of cooking recipes using agricultural products grown in Kurume-city in collaboration with junior college students in the nutritionist teacher-training course, which are published on a public relations magazine of Kurume-city farmers' cooperative. Aiming to improve the students' cooking skills and ability to make menus, cooking recipes were developed. They completed the recipes after repeated trials, and prepared for the meals'photo session and dealt with questions from the editor. A total of 15 recipes have been introduced in the magazine from the January issue in 2011 to the March issue in 2012, and will be published until the March issue in 2013. These efforts must have helped promote local production for local consumption through the activities such as the college's cultural festival and a dietary education event by Kurume-city. Also, in the process of creating the magazines, the students had an opportunity to learn new things, and this is expected to provide them education benefit from the perspective of nutritionist training.
- 2012-07-01
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