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Since acid-rain is a very serious problem in environmental chemistry, the sample collections over a wide area and characterization of the constituents in the rainfall and snowfall are often necessary. In this study, the values of pH and electric conductivity (EC) were measured, and the concentrations of Na+, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, NO3- and SO42- were determined in the precipitation. The 20 precipitation samples collected from May in 1989 to February in 1990 showed the pH values under 5.50. The lowest one was 3.97. This indicates that acid-rain and acid-snow fall in this area. It was observed that the pH values of the precipitations depend on the NO3- and SO42- concentrations. The Mg2+ concentration in the rainfall closely interrelated to the Ca2+ concentration, while in the snowfall the Cl- concentration interrelated to the Na+ concentration. The concentrations of Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl- in the snowfall were higher than those in the rainfall. The EC decreases with increasing the precipitation, and it is forecast that the average wind velocity affects the EC value in the snowfall.
- 山形大学の論文
- 1991-01-21
- 山形県米沢市における降水中の主要イオン成分の経年変化
- Seasonal Variation of Sulfur Isotope Ratios of Non-Sea Salt Sulfate in Wet Deposits in Northern Part of Japan
- 降水に含まれる無機成分の化学的特徴(第六報)
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- 降水に含まれる無機成分の化学的特徴(第五報)
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- 山形県米沢市の湿性降下物に含まれる硫酸イオンの起源
- 山形県における降水の化学的および地域的特徴
- 降水に含まれる無機成分の化学的特徴(第四報)
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- 降水に含まれる無機成分の化学的特徴(第三報)
- 山形県米沢市における降水の化学的特徴
- 降水に含まれる無機成分の化学的特徴(第二報)
- 分析化学若手の会に携わって
- 降水に含まれる無機成分の化学的特徴(第一報)
- ピロカテコールバイオレットを用いるイオン交換樹脂濃縮/黒鉛炉原子吸光法による水中の微量アンチモン(III)の定量
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