<原著>香りを付加した足浴効果に関する生理心理学的検討 : 主として脳波を指標とした事例的検討
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Body heating or foot bathing has been used for inducing psychological relaxation and sleepiness. In addition, essential oils, especially lavender oil has been used in aromatherapy as a holistic relaxant. However, are less known the effects of these two procedures on the central nervous systems as than on the autonomic nervous systems. The present study was designed to investigate both the effects of foot bathing and aromatherapy on the central nervous system, with special reference to the brain activity. Six healthy young students (20-22 years old) participated as subjects in this study. An electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded from the midline of the frontal (Fz) central (Cz) and parietal(Pz) areas, during which the subjects were lying on a bed with their eyes closed and their feet soaking in warm water (40-41℃) for ten minutes. An EEG was also recorded with eyes closed for 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after the foot bathing. This procedure for was done twice with and without the essential oil of lavender in the warm water at the same time of day for each subject. All EEG records except artifacts were continuously digitized for 50 sec each at a 40/sec sampling rate, and then were processed for power spectrum analysis. During the session of foot bathing without lavender oil, the frequency of the alpha wave on Pz and Cz became slower within a few minutes after the foot bathing than those in the rest period (before foot bathing). Then the alpha wave gradually diminished and in turn, the theta or hump wave (sleep stage 1) and spindle wave (sleep stage 2) appeared in all EEG recording sites within 5-10 minutes after the foot bathing. In the session of foot bathing with lavender oil, the alpha components in the power spectrum increased and the slowing of the alpha frequency was observed during the period of foot bathing. The sleep onset time was earlier (within 1-5 minutes after foot bathing), and also the delta component (sleep stage 4) increased more than without the lavender. These results suggested that the procedure of foot bathing with lavender had an additive effect on the brain activity and was a more effective method for giving rise to relaxation and sleep.
- 福井大学の論文
- 2001-12-21
西田 和代
吉田 和典
竹田 千佐子
吉田 和典
水田 敏郎
竹島 由記
月田 佳寿美
竹田 千佐子
水田 敏郎
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