<原著>大脳辺縁系間の神経結合に関する形態学的検討 : 特に,海馬-扁桃核間の神経結合について
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So far, there is no report for the direct connection between hippocampus and amygdala. However, from the previous kindling studies, it was suggested that the hippocampus might be closely connected to the amygdala. The present study reexamined the neural connectivity between the hippocampal formation and amygdaloid complex in rat by using the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde labeling method. HRP was injected iontophoretically (anodal current, 5μA, 5-10 min) into the dorsal hippocampus, the ventral hippocampus and the amygdaloid nuclei under the pentobarbital anesthesia. In the case of HRP injection into the amygdala (especially into the basolateral and basomedial amygdaloid nucleus), a few HRP labeled cells were observed in the subiculum and CA1 areas of the ventral hippocampus. Also the labeled cells were found in the amygdaloid nuclei (basomedial amygdaloid nucleus and amygdalo-hippocampal area) after the HRP injection into the ventral hippocampus, but not in the case into the dorsal hippocampus, as well as many lebeled cells in the entorhinal cortex. These results suggest that the ventral hippocampus and amygdala have direct connections reciprocally through the subiculum and CA1 areas, as well as indirect connection through the same areas of the entorhinal cortex.
- 福井大学の論文
- 2000-12-20
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- 大脳辺縁系間の神経結合に関する形態学的検討 : 特に,海馬-扁桃核間の神経結合について