Characteristics of Bone Marrow Fibroblasts and their Significance in Hematopoiesis
- 論文の詳細を見る
Effective hematopoiesis is thought to be maintained by interplaying between the hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and their supporting stroma which supply an appropriate environment for HSC lodgement, proliferation and differentiation in the bone marrow (46). Many experiments have made it appearant that the bone marrow microenvironment is essential for normal hematopoiesis (50). Several recent reports (3, 7, 35) have shown that most human bone marrow adherent cells under long-term liquid cultures are fibroblasts. In this article, the characteristics of the stromal fibroblasts and their role for HSC maintenance and differentiation are described.
- 東海大学の論文
NAGAO Tadami
The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Tokai University
長尾 忠美
Nagao Tadami
Department Of Internal Medicine Tokai University School Of Medicine
長尾 忠美
東海大 第4内科
Nagao Tadami
The Fourth Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Tokai University
Nagao Tadami
Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Tokai University
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