5本指ハンドの機構と把握力制御方法(4部 模擬・機械・開発)
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Flexible functions of a five-finger hand with a palm are first studied from the viewpoint of force sensory manipulation, in contrast to the conventional viewpoint of position-based manipulation. It is clear that more than half of human hand movement is based on force sensory information. Based on this information, the degree of freedom of an articulated finger hand is determined to realize the flexible manipulation of which a human hand is capable, so that 25 degrees of freedom are necessary for a hand with joints inside of the palm which have not been taken into acount so far. An artificial finger hand with 25 degrees of freedom was built for experiments by employing a wire and spring mechanism. Then the evaluation concept of three-dimensional grasping is presented as a cross-section method by calculating applied forces and moments in a plane virtually cut at arbitrary inclined angles around the center of a grasped object. Thus, the grasping behavior of a hand can be evaluated. The coordination grasping force distribution at finger joints for an articulated hand was dealt with under assumption that the articulated hand with multiple degrees of freedom and a multiple articulated joint structure grasps an object. Four algorithms for this force distribution problem in grasping some objects are here derived from the static equilibrium conditions. Furthermore, a method for changing contact and non-contact fingers in grasping is derived, and some simulations are shown in which non-contacting fingers begin to contact on the object while some contacting fingers are released from contact, keeping stable the grasping by the hand as a whole. Finally, based on the proposed five control algorithms, a control flow of stable grasping force control methods for the joint force distribution is used to adjust the finger system from determining grasping forces to changing grasping fingers.
- 1988-06-15
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