自閉症児における行動特徴の発達連関 : 幼児期前期 (発達年齢 : 1歳なか頃) の発達の質的な「節」の獲得前・後の問題
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The behavioral problems with personal relationships and communication functions, which are characteristics of autistic children, are anxious matters for educational care. These behavioral problems should not be considered negatively, just as a form of maladjustment, but various ways of educational care must be sought after by grasping the meaning or background of the behavior in the developmental process. This study is one of a series of studies attempting to clarify developmental problems in autistic children and to seek the appropriate educational care. In the present research, we have attempted to analyze the problems of developmental relations with behavioral problems in autistic children. This study was attempted, first, to compare the percentages of the subjects who passed the items of Kyoto Scale of Psychological Development, and second, to analyze the developmental changes of behavioral problems between before the acquisition and after the acquisition at the stage of the first term of the infantile period, DA of about 1 year and 6 months. The subjects were 7 autistic children enrolled in our class of remedial education for handicapped children. The 7 autistic children had been diagnosed according to currently used criteria (DSM-IV, 1994). The results indicated that the number of children who pass the some items of the developmental scale such as "pointing at the drawn objects" and "pointing at the part s of face" increase, and the behavioral problems change remarkably after the acquisition at the stage of the first term of the infantile period. On the basis of these results, we discussed the developmental meaning of the acquisition at the stage of the first term of the infantile period in autistic children from the viewpoint of developmental relations. It is important for us to look at the behavioral problems of autistic children in relation to their developmental process.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 2004-10-29
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