奈良教育大学自然環境教育センター奥吉野実習林の植物社会学的研究 : III. ツガーアカマッ群集ほか
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The forest vegetation was phytosociologically investigated in Okuyoshino Experimental Forest, the Education Center for Natural Environment, Nara University of Education, Kii-peninsula, Japan. The author has already reported Hydrangeo sikokiani-Pterocaryetum rhoifoliae, Sapio japonici-Fagetum crenatae, Illicio-Abietetum firmae and Castaneo-Quercetum crispulae, Rhododendron metternichii var. hondoense-Chamaecyparis obtusa community and Cryptomeria japonjca-Chamaecyparis obtusa forest, in the Okuyoshino Experimental Forest. The present paper is the third report of a series of phytosociological studies in the forest. The vegetation units abstracted were as follows : 1) Stylaco shiraianae-Fagetum japonicae. This is the natural forest developing in the mixed-temperate zone. Character and differential species are Callicarpa mollis, Betula grossa, Sapium japonicum and Lindera sericea var. glabrata. 2) Aesculus turbinata-Euptelea polyandra community. This is the riparian forest developing in the mixed-temperate zone. Differential species are Hydrangea scandens, Euptelea polyandra. Rubus palmatus. Itea japonica. Carpinus tschonoskii and Aesculus turbinate. 3) Tsugio sieboldii-Pinetum densiflorae Yoshioka 1958. This is the secondary forest of pine developing in the mixed temperate zone and the cool temperate zone. Character and differential species are Tsuga sieboldii Quercus salicina and Abies firma.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 2002-03-31
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