- 論文の詳細を見る
The relationship between fraying by Sika deer (Cervus nippon TEMMINCK) and tree species preference was studied in a warm-temperate evergreen forest on Mt. Kasugayama, Japan. The forest was given as a World Heritage status in 1998. The proportion of trees frayed by deer among the total number of sampled trees (N=2351) was 2.6%. The height of lower limits of fraying on stems was 41.0±21.0cm (mean±SD), which was significantly different from lower limits of bark stripping (28.5±16.4cm). However, the height of upper limits was 83.9±23.3cm, which was not significantly different to upper limits of bark stripping (77.1±18.2cm). The relationship between fraying and DBH distribution is also discussed in this paper. Sixty-eight trees of 22 species (e. g. Abies firma, Podocarpus nagi, Illicum religiosum, Neolitsea asiculata) were found to be frayed among 2351 randomly sampled trees (H>1.3 m) of 55 species. It was found that bucks tend to prefer tree species which contain essential oil. This result suggests a relationship between fraying for territory and tree species preference, although fraying for the removal of velvet is generalized.
- 2001-12-25
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