奈良教育大学自然環境教育センター奥吉野実習林の植物社会学的研究 : II. クリーミズナラ群集ほか
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Forest vegetation was phytosociologically investigated in the Oku-Yoshino Forest for Practical Exercises, Center for Natural Environment Education, Nara University of Education, Kii-Peninsula, southwestern Japan. The former paper discussed the Rhododendron metternichii var. hondoense-Chamaecyparis obtusa community and two associations : Hydrangeo sikokiani-Pterocaryetum rhoifoliae and Sapio japonici-Fagetum crenatae. The present paper is the second report in a series of phytosociological studies in the Oku-Yoshino Forest for Practical Exercises. Field and laboratory work was conducted along the Blaun-Blanquet system of phytosociology. The following vegetation units were abstracted : 1) Cryptomeria japonica-Chamaecyparis obtusa forest is characterized by planted Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa. This community is mainly distributed on slopes which are less than 650 m a. s. l. Quercus sessilifolia, Quercus salicina. Quercus glauca and Camellia japonica grow in the lower layer of the planted forest. This species composition indicates the potential vegetation of planted forest belongs to the class Camellietea japonicae. 2) Illicio-Abietetum firmae Suz.-Tok. 1961 was recognized by the occurrence of Abies firma. Quercus saliina, Illicium religiosum, Daphniphyllum macropodum and Pieris japonica. This association is physiognomically an evergreen broad-leaved and coniferous mixed forest. It occupies a small area on a steep slope. 3) Castaneo-Quercetum crispulae Horikawa et Sasaki 1959 was recognized by the occurrence of Acer sieboldianum, Magnolia salicifolia and Carpinus japonica. This association is partially distributed on slopes from 700 to 1, 135 m a. s. l. It is a summer-green secondary forest dominated by Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
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