AL Amyloidosis Presenting Terminal Heart Failure with Stomach Amyloidosis
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Radiographic abnormality of the stomach was presented in term of amyloid deposition in a 72 year-old Japanese female. Coarse mucosal folds in the stomach, and delay in the gastro-intestinal emptying of the barium were often suggestive of amyloidosis. High-risk factor for survival of AL amyloidosis such as congestive heart failure, urine light chain, hepatomegaly and multiple myeloma were adversely affecting survival AL patients in the literature. All of these were presented in this case who died in 4 months after the onset of clinical manifestations.
- 神戸大学の論文
- 1996-01-31
Isobe Takashi
Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University
Matsuka Akira
Department Of Medicine Hidaka Hospital
Isobe Takashi
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Onga Hiromichi
Department Of Medicine Hidaka Hospital
Hirouchi Hisashi
Department of Medicine, Hidaka Hospital
Isobe Takashi
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University
Hirouchi Hisashi
Department Of Medicine Hidaka Hospital
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