B-Lymphocytes and HLA-DR Expressing Cells of Lymphocytic Infiltration in Rheumatoid Synovial Membrane
UEBA Yasuyuki
School of Allied Med. Sci., Kobe Univ.
Ishikawa Hitoshi
School of Allied Medical Sciences, Kobe University
Isobe Takashi
School of Allied Medical Sciences, Kobe University
Ishikawa Makoto
Ishikawa Hospital
Ishikawa Hitoshi
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery Kobe University School Of Medicine
Ishikawa Hitoshi
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University
Isobe Takashi
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Isobe Takashi
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University
Ishikawa Hitoshi
School Of Allied Health Sciences Kitasato University
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