An Effect of Natural Interferon-α on A Myeloma Patient Suffering from Severe Low Back Pain and Hypercalcemia
Chihara Kazuo
Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
Chihara K
Division Of Diabetes Metabolism And Endocrinology Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University Gr
Chihara Kazuo
The Third Division Department Of Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Ishikawa Hitoshi
School of Allied Medical Sciences, Kobe University
Isobe Takashi
Kobe University
Isobe Takashi
School of Allied Medical Sciences, Kobe University
Nishikawa Masashi
The Third Division Department Of Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Ishikawa Hitoshi
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University
Ishikawa Hitoshi
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Matsuoka Hiroshi
The Third Division, Department of Medicine, Kobe University School of Medicine
Natazuka Toshiki
The Third Division, Department of Medicine, Kobe University School of Medicine
Isobe Takashi
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University
Natazuka Toshiki
Third Depeartment Of Medicine Kobe Universiry School Of Medicine
Isobe Takashi
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University
Matsuoka Hiroshi
The Third Division Department Of Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Ishikawa Hitoshi
School Of Allied Health Sciences Kitasato University
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe University School of Medicine
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