Effects of apoptosis and estrogen on aging changes in female rat parotids
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Background : Generally, postclimacteric women show increased susceptiblity to xerostomia, and correlations between xerostomia and sex hormones have thus been the subject of study. Some researchers have examined the influence of sex hormones on the salivary glands of female rats following ovariectomy and recently, relations between aging symptoms and apoptosis have been noticed. In this study, we observed apoptosis during natural aging in female rat parotid by TUNEL staining, and also examined the influence estrogen on the apoptosis. Methods : Fifteen-week-old rat in the ovariectomy only groups underwent ovariectomy under intraperitoneal anesthesia by pentobarbital sodium. After confirming the absence of sexual cycle, the parotid glands were examined at 27 and 39 weeks. Another group received estrogen infusion following ovariectomy as above. Subsequently, a mini- osmotic pump containing estrogen dissolved in propylene glycol was subcutaneously implanted into the rat dorsum. TUNEL staining was performed for apoptosis detection by labeling the 3' OH ends of broken DNA using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) using the In Apoptosis Detection Kit (Takara). Results : Our results showed that in natural aging groups, the TLI (TUNEL labeling index) mean of postmenopausal rats was significantly higher than in premenopausal rats. Also, in ovariectomized rats, TLI mean of rats with estrogen infusion after ovariectomy was significantly lower than in those receiving ovariectomy only. Conclusions : Our findings indicated that a reduction of estrogen could induce age related apoptotic changes in female rat parotid.
- 近畿大学の論文
MURATA Kiyotaka
Department of Otolaryngology, Kinki University School of Medicine
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Imazu Red Cross Hospital
Shiraishi Hiroshi
Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine Imazu Red Cross Hospital
Kusunoki Takeshi
Department Of Otolaryngology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Murata Kiyotaka
Deparment Of Otolaryngology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Shiraishi Hiroshi
Department Of Otolaryngology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Shiraishi Hiroshi
Department Of Mathematical Sciences School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
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