- 論文の詳細を見る
Yakushima is an island situated about 60km south of the sourthernmost point of Kyushu. So far as known, 24 species of birds are residents on the island and 9 more species breed there as summer visitors. The subspecific status of some Yakushima birds is reexamined based partly on new material collected by the author in 1975. Five endemic subspecies, Picus awokera takatsukasae, Troglodytes troglodytes ogawae, Parus varius yakushimensis, Zosterops japonica insularis, and Garrulus glandarius orii, may be recognizable, although the subspecific differences are comparatively slight. It is doubtful at Parus varius sunsunpi is sufficiently distinct from nominate varius on the mainland. The subspecies of Dendrocopos kizuki on Yakushima is nominate kizuki rather than matsudairai as previously claimed by the Japanese Checklist Committee. Garrulus glandarius hiugaensis and Picus awokera horii are considered to be a synonym of G.g. japonicus and of P.a. awokera respectively. The avifauna of Yakushima is relatively poor and the endemism is very low. There is no endemic species. Thirty-three species of residents and summer visitors can be classified as follows : Resident Summer visitor 1) Same subspecies with Kyushu 10 4 2) Same subspecies with Amami Oshima 1 3 3) Endemic or semiendemic 6 1 4) No subspecific differentiation 5 1 5) Subspecific status unknown 2 0 The mainland element is predominant in the Yakushima avifauna with 14 residents (including 4 endemic and semiedemic subspecies) and 5 summer visitors (including 1 semiendemic subspecies). One species of the residents and 3 summer visitors are of the Ryukyu origin, but none of them has been differentiated subspecifically from the Amami Oshima birds. There is little doubt that the Yakushima avifauna has evolved in close relation with the mainland avifauna of Japan. The colonization of the Ryukyu species seems to be very restricted and relatively recent.
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