- 論文の詳細を見る
The backbone range of northeast Honshu extends almost north to south from Mt.Hakkoda in Aomori Pref.in the north to Mt. Bandai in Fukushima Pref. in the south, forming the central mountain range of northern Honshu (Fig.1). Despite it occupies a very wide area, there have been a few recent investigations on the birds of this mountain range. Mt. Yakeishi is situated in about the middle of the mountain range and has an elevation of 1,548m (Fig.2). The lower parts of the mountain, especially those of its southeastern side, are covered with well-grown original beech forests up to about 1,000m alt. Deciduous shrubs and alpine meadows dominate above it. It is rather characteristic of the mountains of the backbone range that the deciduous shrubs replace the subalpine conifers. My field work on Mt. Yakeishi was conducted on July 11-17,29-30,1982 and July 22-24,1983. The numbers of birds that were seen or heard during the field work were given in Table 1. Since these numbers are the maximum numbers of each species recorded in any one census, they are only indicative of relative abundance of the species in particular sections. The species most frequently encountered in the upper shrub and alpine meadow zone were Anthus hodgsoni, Prunella rubida, Cettia diphone, Phylloscopus borealis, and Pyrrhula pyrrhula.
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