小笠原特産のメグロ (Apalopteron familiare) の生態および行動に関する観察
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Apalopteron familiare, or the Ogasawara Honeyeaters, is a peculiar bird endemic to the Ogasawara Islands. Its relationships and ecology are poorly known. We spent a total of 38 days in the field studying the ecology and behavior. 1. Apalopteron occurs on two islands in the Mukoshima group and on all islands in the Hahajima group. Its status in the Chichijima group is not certain. 2. Apalopteron lives in a variety of habitats in the non-breeding season. It occurs chiefly in the dark broad-leaved evergreen forest of Schima-Ardisia association in the breeding season. This is assumed to be the original habitat of the species. 3. The ordinary flight is slow and of short duration. The bird moves on the ground by hopping. It also climbs tall grasses, saplings, vines, and tree trunks by hopping. Thus the characteristic pattern of locomoiton involves hopping, climbing, and gliding. Long-distance flights are rare except during chases in the breeding season. 4. The food of Apalopteron consists of adult insects, insect larvae, and various berries, seeds and fruits. Adult ants are the staple animal food. The food is taken in trees and on the ground. 5. Zosterops japonica lives together with Apalopteron in the same habitat. These two species overlap almost completely in their choice of habitat and food. There are certain differences between them as regards foraging behavior and structural adaptations. 6. The tongue of Apalopteron is fringed and quadrifid at the distal end. These features are typical of the Meliphagidae but are also found in certain babblers (Timaliidae). 7. The song is melodious and bunting-like, but it is rarely heard even in the breeding season and may not be territorial in function. The commonest call is the fe-ee call which is uttered constantly in trees and thickets. It is probably a location note. Several other cells and alarms are described. Display is poorly developed in Apalopteron. 8. Breeding takes place in May and June. The peak of egg-laying is in the middle of May. There is probably only one brood in a year. Young are fully grown and similar to adults in size and plumage by early July. Clutch size is invariably two. The incubation and nesting periods are still unknown. 9. The nest is a deep cup built in the fork of a higher branch. With one exception. the nests we found were placed 3-12 meters above the ground. Nest material chiefly consists of various long fibers, grass stems, and rootlets. In three of five nests examined Pandanus fibers consituted more than 70% of the nest material. Dead leaves, leaf veins, coarse grasses, pine needles and mosses are usually interwoven in the outer wall of nest. 10. Hypsipetes amaurotis, Apalopteron and Zosterops all feed on ripe papayas. The interactions between the three species on a papaya are described. A psychological fright factor seems to play an important role in these interactions, and no dominance hierarchy exists between species or individuals.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1978-00-00
- 小笠原諸島父島におけるメグロの分布と絶滅
- 小笠原特産のメグロ (Apalopteron familiare) の生態および行動に関する観察
- 小笠原諸島父島におけるメグロの分布と絶滅
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