- 論文の詳細を見る
The Kii Peninsula is a massive protrusion of land mass on the Pacific side of southcentral Honshu. The Ohmine Mountain range occupying the central portion of the peninsula contains a dozen of peaks higher than 1,700 m above sea level, the highest peak being Mt. Hakken-san with a hight of 1,915 m altitude. This mountain range is one of most inaccessible palces in Japan owing to the deepness and steepness of the mountains, inconvenience of transportation to their foothills, and great amount of rainfall throughout the year. The existence of a subalpine (coniferous) avifauna on the higher level of the mountains was known, but did not have been investigated until recently. Our knowledge of the birds of this region is still inadequate. We therefore conducted field work form July 20 to 23,1979 and from September 3 to 4,1979,at the highest portion of the mountain range and recorded 28 species of birds in total. Unfortunately, on both occasions, our field work suffered from bad weather and our original itinerary had to be cut short. The bird species we recorded at above 1,600 m altitude (conferous and mixed forests) are as follows : Buteo buteo, Phasianus soemmerringii, Cuculus canorus, C. poliocephalus, C. saturatus, Dendrocopos leucotus, D. kizuki, Anthus hodgsoni, Troglodytes troglodytes, Prunella rubida, Erithacus akahige, E. cyane, Tarsiger cyanurus, Cettia diphone, Phylloscopus borealis, Parus montanus, P. ater, P. major, Sitta europaea, Zosterops japonica, Garrulus glandarius. A comparison of the subalpine avifaunas of the Kii peninsula (Ohmine Mountains), Shikoku (Mt. Tsurugi and Mt. Ishizuchi) and central Honshu (Japan Alps) is give. It is noteworthy that the higher peaks in the Kii Peninsula and Shikoku possess subalpine faunas that are very similer in their species composition, differing from that on the Japan Alps in lacking several typically coniferous and alpine species such as Prunella collaris, Loxia curvirostra, Carduelis spinus, Emberiza variabilis, and Lagopus mutus. Both ecological (vegetation) and geographical (isolation) factors seem to account the impoverished subalpine avifaunas in the Kii Peninsula and Shikoku.
- 1980-12-01
森岡 弘之
坂根 隆治
森岡 弘之
森岡 弘之/坂根
坂根 隆治
Itami City Museum
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