Experimental Verification on Gain Scheduled H∞ Robust Control of a Magnetic Bearing
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This paper deals with the problem of gyroscopic effect and unbalance vibration of the Magnetic Bearing system. Using a gain scheduled H∞ control with a free parameter Φ, we design a control system which attenuates the unbalance vibration, and guarantees the stability against the gyroscopic effect in specified rotational speed. Further we implement the controller and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach by experiments. First, our experimental setup is explained, a mathematical model of the magnetic bearing is derived. Then, we introduce the gain scheduled H∞ control with free parameters to a magnetic bearing control, in order to reject the disturbances caused by unbalance of the rotor, and guarantee the stability against gyroscopic effect, even if rotational speed of the rotor changes. At last, several experimental results show the effectiveness of this proposed method.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1997-12-15
滑川 徹
滑川 徹
金沢大学 大学院 自然科学研究科
Department of System Design Engineering, Keio University
Namerikawa Toru
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Nagaoka University Of Technology
FUJITA Masayuki
School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kanazawa Universit
Fujita Masayuki
School Of Information Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
滑川 徹
Matsumura F
Lazoc Inc.
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