固定壁を有する風洞における2次元マイクロホンアレイを用いたパンタグラフの音源探査(J13-3 空力音III,J13 流体関連の騒音と振動)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of the present work is to locate the aeroacoustic sources of pantograph in a Closed Wind Tunnel Test Section by using 2-D microphone arrays. It is essential to reduce the flow-induced self-noise of array microphones for accurate measurement of acoustic signal. In order to reduce the un-correlated noise received by each microphone, the method of calculating cross spectrum of the outputs from 2 pairs of 2-D microphone arrays is applied. Furthermore, surfaces of the microphones were covered with thin films to suppress boundary layer noise. The cross spectrum method was validated basically by speaker tests using white noise. Then these techniques were applied to wind tunnel tests on a pantograph model. Major acoustic sources such as panhead, were identified at 60m/s.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-09-04
- 528 新幹線用パンタグラフの接触力制御に関する基礎検討
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- 営業線におけるパンタグラフ接触力の地上モニタリング (特集 電力技術)
- 数値流体解析による舟体・枠組間の空力干渉の検討 (特集 鉄道力学)
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- 108 金属製多孔質材付き高速用パンタグラフの空力音低減効果(騒音・振動の解析・改善(2),騒音・振動評価・改善技術)