Genetic and environmental contributions to variation in the inclination of human mandibular molars
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Advances in computer technology now allow us to measure tooth inclinations accurately from dental casts. The aims of this study were to measure bucco-lingual inclinations of mandibular first and second molars in a sample of twins using a 3D-measurement system and to quantify the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to observed variation. Mandibular dental casts of 20 male and 20 female monozygous (MZ) twin pairs, 17 male and 6 female dizygous (DZ) twin pairs, and 6 opposite-sexed DZ twin pairs were selected. The mean ages of subjects were 15.5±3.2 years (MZ) and 16.3±4.8 years (DZ). Dental casts were scanned using a contact-type 3D scanner. Inclinations of mandibular first and second molars were obtained using the software program 3D-Rugle3. Data were subjected to univariate genetic analysis with the structural equation modelling package, Mx, using the normal assumptions of the twin model. A model incorporating additive genetic (A) and unique environmental (E) variation was found to be the most parsimonious for inclinations of mandibular first and second molars. Estimates of heritability ranged from 0.76 to 0.84. These results indicate a high genetic contribution to the obtained variation in inclinations of mandibular first and second molars in mainly teenage twins and are relevant to orthodontists who need to consider the torque of molar teeth, particularly when using the straight wire technique.
- 日本矯正歯科学会の論文
Townsend Grant
Townsend Grant
Dental School The University Of Adelaide
Townsend Grant
Dept. Of Dentistry The Univ. Of Adelaide
Townsend Grant
The Univ. Of Adelaide・dentistry
Kasai Kazutaka
Departments of Orthodontics, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo
Townsend Grant
The University Of Adelaide
Kasai Kazutaka
Department Of Orthodontics Graduate School Of Dentistry At Matsudo Nihon University
Department of orthodontics, Graduate school of Dentistry at Matsudo, Nihon University
Hughes Toby
Dental school, The University of Adelaide
Hughes Toby
Dental School The University Of Adelaide
Eguchi Shosei
Department Of Orthodontics Graduate School Of Dentistry At Matsudo Nihon University
Townsend Grant
School Of Dentistry The University Of Adelaide
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