Tooth size in individuals with congenitally missing teeth: a study of Japanese males
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There is evidence of a relationship between tooth size and tooth agenesis in human populations, with a tendency for reduced tooth size in individuals with missing teeth. The aim of this study was to analyze the size of remaining teeth (mesiodistal crown diameters) and their variability in individuals with varying degrees of severity of congenitally missing teeth. Tooth crown diameters were recorded from 100 dental plaster casts of Japanese males. Subjects were divided into three agenesis groups: group A had one missing tooth per individual, group B had two missing teeth per individual, and group C had three or more missing teeth per individual. For comparison, tooth size data were used from a previously studied sample of Japanese males who did not have any congenitally missing teeth. Group A displayed the largest mesiodistal crown size dimensions for all maxillary and mandibular teeth, followed by group B, and then group C. In comparison with the reference data, when only one or two teeth were missing, the remaining teeth tended to be larger, but when there were three or more missing teeth, the remaining teeth tended to be significantly smaller throughout the dentition. In terms of tooth size variability, dental dimensions in the agenesis groups were generally more variable compared with those in the reference sample. This tendency was most pronounced in the group with the greatest number of missing teeth. Although there was a tendency for the size of the remaining teeth to be more reduced as the number of missing teeth increased, tooth size in individuals with only one or two teeth missing was generally larger than in a control group with all 32 permanent teeth, suggesting that the relationship between tooth size and dental agenesis may be more complicated than previously thought, perhaps due to local compensatory interactions affecting the size of teeth.
- 日本人類学会の論文
近藤 信太郎
花村 肇
YAMADA Hiroyuki
Department of Materials Engineering, Graduate school of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
近藤 信太郎
近藤 信太郎
昭和大学 歯 小児歯
近藤 信太郎
Kondo S
Showa Univ. School Of Dentistry Tokyo Jpn
Kondo Shintaro
昭和大学 歯 口腔解剖
Kondo Shintaro
Kondo Shintaro
昭和大学 歯 口腔解剖学
花村 肇
愛知学院大学 歯
花村 肇
花村 肇
花村 肇
愛知学院大学 歯学部解剖学講座
近藤 信太郎
Yamada Hiroyuki
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
山田 博之
愛知学院大 歯 解剖学第二
KONDO Shintaro
Department of Medical Physiology, Meiji Pharmaceutical University
Kondo S
The First Department Of Oral Anatomy Showa University School Of Dentistry
Kondo Shintaro
The First Department Of Oral Anatomy Showa University School Of Dentistry
Kondo Shintaro
Department Of Anatomy School Of Dentistry Aichi-gakuin University
Kondo Shintaro
Department Of Oral Anatomy Showa University School Of Dentistry
Kondo Shintaro
Department Of Oral Anatomy And Developmental Biology Showa University School Of Dentistry
Kondo Shintaro
Showa University
Hanamura Hajime
Department Of Anatomy School Of Dentistry Aichi-gakuin University
Hanamura Hajime
The Second Department Of Anatomy School Of Dentistry Aichi-gakuin University
School of Dentistry, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide
Kondo Shintaro
Dept. Oral Anatomy Showa Univ. School Of Dentistry
Yamada Hiroyuki
Department Of Anatomy School Of Dentistry Aichi-gakuin University
Townsend Grant
School Of Dentistry The University Of Adelaide
Department of Anatomy, School of Dentistry, Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya
Department of Anatomy, School of Dentistry, Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya
Department of Anatomy, School of Dentistry, Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya
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