Microwave Properties of Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_<7-x> Step-Edge Josephson Junction Series Arrays
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1996-08-15
Suzuki K
Ntt Transmission Systems Lab. Ibaraki Jpn
Suzuki Kenji
Institute For Materials Research Laboratory Tohoku University
Hayashi K
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Amagasaki‐shi、 Jpn
山口 浩一
SUZUKI Katsumi
Superconductivity Research Laboratory,ISTEC
Superconductivity Research Laboratory,ISTEC
Hayashi Kunihiko
Superconductivity Research Laboratory-istec
Hayashi Kunihiko
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Yamaguchi Katsumi
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Nagoya University
Hayashi K
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka‐shi Jpn
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, International Superconductivity Technology Center
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, International Superconductivity Technology Center
Enomoto Y
International Superconductivity Technol. Center Tokyo Jpn
Suzuki K
横浜国大 大学院工学研究院
鈴木 和夫
山口 浩一
Enomoto Y
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Enomoto Youichi
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Yoshikawa S
Yokohama National Univ. Yokohama Jpn
Suzuki Katsurmi
Tamachi Laboratory Superconductivity Research Laboratory Istec
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