Mechanism of Diffuse Phase Transition in Relaxor Ferroelectrics
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Dielectric properties of lead magnesium niobate (PMN) and Ta-bearing strontium barium niobate (SBNT) were measured as a function of temperature, and the crystal structure of PMN was refined by the Rietveld analysis method. The results of structure refinement indicate that the volume of polar microregions (PMR) increases with decreasing temperature. The dielectric properties of PMN and SBNT are well explained by an advanced theory of dielectric dispersion. The anomalous behavior in dielectric permittivity (ε) observed on the low temperature side of T_m, the temperature of ε maximum, is explained by simple dielectric relaxation, while on the high-temperature side of T_m is explained by the volume increase of PMR. It is concluded that these is no phase transition around T_m, and the diffuse phase transition is an overlapping phenomenon of volume increase of PMR, freezing process of fluctuating dipoles in PMR and dielectric dispersion around the measuring frequrncy. A model of diffuse phase transition and relaxor ferroelectrics is proposed. The difference between normal ferroelectrics and relaxor ferroelectrics is discussed from the viewpoints of spreading of soft-mode phonons and disorder in the crystals.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-04-15
神谷 武志
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Katase Takayoshi
Aterials And Structures Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Kamiya Toshio
Department Of Inorganic Materials Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Department of Inorganic materials, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Daimon M
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Tokyo
神谷 利夫
Materials And Structures Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tsurumi T
The Graduate School Of Sci. And Engineering Tokyo Inst. Of Technol.
Tsurumi Takaaki
Department Of Inorganic Materials Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tsurumi Takaaki
The Graduate School Of Sci. And Engineering Tokyo Inst. Of Technol.
Tsurumi Takaaki
Department Of Metallurgy And Ceramics Science Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Insti
Department of Inorganic Materials, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Soejima Kouji
Department Of Inorganic Materials Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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