リンデン・オルソヂクロロベンゼン混合乳剤のセンチニクバエ幼虫に対する効力について : 藥剤によるハエ幼虫駆除に関する研究第 4 報
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The effects of the mixed emulsion of 50% o-dichlorobenzene and 10%, 7.5%, 5% or 2.5% lindane against 3rd instar larvae of Sarcophaga peregrina R. D. were examined comparing with those of the sole emulsion of 10% lindane or of 50% o-dichlorobenzene. The retarded lethal effects of the mixed emulsions were larger than that of the sole emulsion of o-dichlorobenzene, and among the four kinds of mixed emulsions, it was observed that the larger the amount of lindane in the emulsion, the stronger the retarded lethal effects. As was already reported by the authors, the use of o-dichlorobenzene aparently induced the immediate appearance of intoxication signs of the larvae which lacked in the simple lindane emulsions. Here, it was ascertained that the lethal time was shortened by the order of the increased contents of lindane in the mixtures. According to summarizing the results obtained by the "rice-husks method" and by the other methods in the laboratory and in the field, the authors were led to the conclusion that the effects of the mixed emulsion of 50% o-dichlorobenzene and 7.5% or 5% lindane and that of the sole emulsion of 10% lindane were nearly the same level against the larvae of S. peregrina.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1956-04-05
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