The Mode of Action of Benzoic Acid and Some Related Compounds on Flowering in Lemna paucicostata
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Benzoic acid (BA) (10 μM) added to the medium during only the first 24 h of culture induced flowering in Lemna paucicostata 151 even under continuous light at 24.5℃ when 1/10 M medium (pH 4.0) containing 1 μM benzyladenine (BAd) was used as the basic medium. Flower buds were produced on the 4th-5th day and almost all the fronds that developed during the subsequent 3-4 days had flower buds. Even a 4-h treatment with BA (50 μM) followed by culture in the basic medium induced flowering. This suggests that the effect of BA is inductive. A similar effect of BA was observed in strain 381, a sensitive short-day plant, but not in strain 441 or 6746. Even in the absence of BAd in the medium, a 24-h treatment with BA induced flowering, but the induced state disappeared rapidly after the 5th-6th day. BAd was effective when given after the BA treatment and had no significant effect when added during the BA treatment. BA given after a single inductive dark period also promoted flowering in strains 441 and 381. BAd seems to work to sustain the induced state or to promote the development of flower buds rather than inducing flowering. A short-term treatment with nicotinic acid (NA) at 200-500 μM was as effective as 10 μM BA, but that with salicylic acid (SA) was ineffective at all concentrations tested. 5-Cl-SA and EDDHA were also effective, although not as effective as BA.
- 日本植物生理学会の論文
Kaihara Sumiko
Laboratory Of Applied Botany Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Takimoto Atsushi
Laboratory Of Applied Botany Faculty Of Agriculture
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