Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Flower-Opening of Pharbitis nil
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Flower buds of Pharbitis nil (due to open the next morning) cut from plants in the field before noon open very slowly both in darkness and at a low temperature (20℃), unlike the buds cut in the evening. On cool cloudy days, even the buds cut in the evening open very slowly. Addition of sucrose, mineral nutrients or plant growth regulators other than ABA to the water in which the cut buds were placed did not promote flower-opening under such conditions, but addition of ABA (10-100 μM) greatly promoted it. IAA (100 μM) given alone or in combination with ABA suppressed flower-opening completely. Mature flower buds placed in an ABA solution opened even under continuous light at 25℃ just as those kept in darkness without ABA; flower-opening occurred about 12 h after the application of ABA. ABA given to the buds in darkness at 25℃ and that given in continuous light at 20℃ also advanced the time of flower-opening. The action mechanism of ABA is discussed.
- 日本植物生理学会の論文
Kaihara Sumiko
Laboratory Of Applied Botany Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Takimoto Atsushi
Laboratory Of Applied Botany Faculty Of Agriculture
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