Sodium Deoxycholate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Lipopolysaccharides at Low Temperature
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Sodium deoxycholate (DOC)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) has previously been used to examine in detail the chemical heterogeneity of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) : It is now shown that DOC-PAGE carried out at 4℃ can give reproducible banding patterns even when a large amount of LPS (20mg) is applied to the slab gel (4×150×300mm). By DOC-PAGE, we found that LPS obtained from E. coli UKT-B showed 14 silver-staining bands on gels but lacked the bands corresponding to a series of high-molecular-weight LPS usually observed in the S from LPS.These findings suggest that the DOC-PAGE at 4℃ should be useful in fractionating LPS intactly to study LPS preparations with unknown structures.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1988-03-25
小室 徹雄
四方田 千佳子
小室 徹雄
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
四方田 千佳子
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
伊阪 博
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
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