- 論文の詳細を見る
Polysaccharide membranes are mainly applied as coating films and materials for microcapsule in pharmaceutical field. The useful properties and functions of such membranes are pH-depending solubility, water proof and semipermeablity. Many kinds of derivative of cellulose such as hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose have been used for coating films, and multi-functional meterials as hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose acetate succinate are developing successively, because of their low toxicity compared to synthesized polymers. <BR>In order to demonstrate the basic properties of polysaccharide membrane, the solubility and enzymatic degradability of chitosan membrane are mentioned. The solubility and degradability depend on the degree of deacetyration of the chitosan used. In a few chemicals loaded in the chitosan films, coomassie brilliant blue, which seemed to interact strongly with chitosan through its acidic groups, and pullullan with a high molecular weights (0.58 × 10<SUP>4</SUP>-38.0 × 10<SUP>4</SUP>) were released slowly following the degradation of the films only in the presence of lysozyme. <BR>Further, the properties of complex membrane composed of chitosan and acidic polysaccharides such as CM-chitin and/or hyaluronate are discussed in detail. In particular, chitosan-CM-chitin complex was found to ressolve in citric acid easily and again to be reconstructed.
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