- 論文の詳細を見る
Penicillin G added to a human erythrocyte suspension was found to exert the following actions on their plasma membranes : (1) It inhibits acetylcholinesterase activity in concentrations higher than 100 mM and this inhibitory effect increases with time. The lost activity is not restored by washing of the treated cells. (2) Penicillin G added to a hypotonic hemolyzing medium in a concentration over 5 mM increases osmotic resistance of the cells. (3) It promptly induces, in a similar concentration as in (2), the membrane externalization and the resulting echinocyte-spherocyte formation. Upon continuing the incubation, however, these cells change their shape further, showing pictures of a combined type of the membrane externalization and internalization. When these cells are washed with saline, they show a typical picture of the membrane internalization. Penicillin G in the surrounding medium was rapidly taken up by the cells into the intracellular fluid and, therefore, it is possible that it may act on the membrane from both the outer and inner surfaces.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1977-09-25
- Transport of Aspirin and Its Metabolites through Human Erythrocyte Membrane
- Mechanism of Antioxidant Action of Pueraria Glycoside (PG)-1 (an Isoflavonoid) and Mangiferin (a Xanthonoid)
- Antioxidant Activity of Indapamide and Its Metabolite
- Relationship between Drug-and Phospholipase-Induced Shape Changes of Human Erythrocytes
- プロトポルフィリンのヒト赤血球膜に対する影響
- 諸種薬物のヒト赤血球内Kイオン流出促進効果と膜変形誘起効果との比較
- Shape-transforming Action of Myrmicacin (3-Hydroxydecanoic Acid) and Some Related Compounds on the Membrane of Intact Human Erythrocytes
- ヒト赤血球膜に対するフェノチアジン系向精神薬の作用
- 両親媒性薬物によるヒト赤血球の変形と浸透圧抵抗性変化との関連
- Binding of Calcium and Magnesium Ions to Human Erythrocyte Membranes
- Changes in Shape and Osmotic Resistance of Human Erythrocytes resulted from Changes in the Lysolecithin Content of the Membranes
- Calcium and Magnesium Contents of Mammalian Erythrocyte Membranes
- Abnormal Distribution of Phospholipids in Aorta of the Rabbits with Experimental Atherosclerosis
- Phospholipid Distribution in Erythrocyte and Plasma of the Man, Cow, Pig and Rabbit
- ラット脾臓の紫色酸性ホスファターゼの精製と性状
- 薬物のヒト赤血球膜透過性へのHuman Serum Albuminの影響
- 各種漢方方剤のウサギ血小板ホスホリパーゼA_2阻害効果及び高コレステロール血症ウサギの血小板凝集能亢進に対する当帰芍薬散の抑制効果
- 血液細胞の細胞膜におけるリン脂質の動態と機能.両親媒性薬物の作用機構に関連して
- まるごとの細胞で膜を研究する者の繰り言(生体膜研究の展望)
- Disturbing Effect of Cationic Amphiphilic Drugs on Phospholipid Asymmetry of the Membrane Lipid Bilayer of Human Erythrocytes
- ヒト赤血球膜に対するペニシリンの作用
- Modeling of Controlled Release of Aspirin Derivatives from Human Erythrocytes
- 薬物のヒト赤血球膜透過性.安息香酸誘導体の膜透過性と分配係数との構造活性相関性
- 薬物のヒト赤血球膜透過性.アミノ基の導入及びアミノ酸基の導入による透過性の相違
- 赤血球と血小板の細胞膜における膜リン脂質の多彩な役割 (血液細胞の細胞膜の研究における最近の進歩)
- 赤血球膜の構造と機能
- 固定化チバクロンブルーを用いたラット組織およびゴーシェー病患者脾臓の酸性ホスファターゼの分離
- Effect of Fluid Volume on the Gastric Emptying and Absorption of Quinine in Mice, Rabbits and Humans
- 赤血球と血小板の細胞膜における膜リン脂質の多彩な役割 (血液細胞の細胞膜の研究における最近の進歩)
- Characteristics of Human Erythrocytes with Artific Ally-Increased ATP and/or 2, 3-Diphosphoglycerate Contents
- Hyperlipidemia and Erythrocyte Shape Change
- タイトル無し
- Furlher Sludies on Enzymic Determination of Plasma Sphingomyelin:The Comparison with TLC Method
- Possible Adsorption of Aldolase and Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase into the Erythrocyte Ghosts Prepared Under a Hypotonic Condition
- Increase in the Activity of Rhizopus C-Lipase on Human Plasma Lipoproteins by Treatment with Phospholipid