Disturbing Effect of Cationic Amphiphilic Drugs on Phospholipid Asymmetry of the Membrane Lipid Bilayer of Human Erythrocytes
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After treatment of human erythrocytes at 37℃ with a cationic amphiphilic drug (one of various tertiary amine phenothiazines, primaquine or n-decylamine), up to 45% of the membrane phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) was degraded by added phospholipase A_2 from bee venom (untreated erythrocytes, 1-2%) and about 35% of the PE could be labelled by trinitrobenzenesulfonate (untreated erythrocytes, about 14%). Pancreatic phospholipase A_2,which is virtually unable to hydrolyze the phospholipids of intact erythrocytes, degraded significant amounts of phosphatidylcholine and PE in the erythrocyte membrane pretreated with the above drugs. These results suggest that cationic drugs in general may alter the protein-lipid interaction of the membrane and thus release the inner layer phospholipid PE from possible locational restriction under the influence of certain proteins.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1983-05-25
田村 明
中京女大 健康科学
藤井 達三
Department of Biochemistry, Gifu Prefectural Medical School
藤井 達三
藤井 達三
Department Of Biochemistry Gifu Prefectural Medical School
田村 明
Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Home Economics, Chukyo Women's University
守脇 尚子
Department of Biochemistry, Kyoto College of Pharmacy.
守脇 尚子
Department Of Biochemistry Kyoto College Of Pharmacy.
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