Mechanism of Antioxidant Action of Pueraria Glycoside (PG)-1 (an Isoflavonoid) and Mangiferin (a Xanthonoid)
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The antioxidant activities of pueraria glycoside (PG)-1 (isoflavonoid) and mangiferin (xanthonoid) were studied and compared with PG-3 and daidzein (isoflavonoids) and with wogonin (flavonoid). PG-1 and mangiferin rapidly scavenged 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, and inhibited lipid peroxidation which was initiated enzymatically by reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) or non-enzymatically be ascorbic acid or Fenton's reagent (H_2O_2+Fe^<2+>) in rat liver microsomes. Wogonin inhibited the enzymatically induced lipid peroxidation but had no scavenging effect on DPPH radical or on the non-enzymatic peroxidation. PG-3 and daidzein did not show any of these effects. Formation of Fe^<2+> by NADPH-dependent cytochrome P-450 reductase was inhibited by wogonin, but not by PG-1 or mangiferin. PG-1 and mangiferin had no effect on terminating radical chain reaction during the lipid peroxidation in the enzymatic system of microsomes or in the linoleic acid hydroperoxide-induced peroxidation system.These results suggest that PG-1 and mangiferin have an antioxidant activity, probably due to their ability to scavenge free radicals involved in initiation of lipid peroxidation. In contrast, wogonin may affect NADPH-dependent cytochrome P-450 reductase action, since it inhibited only the enzymatically induced lipid peroxidation.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1992-03-25
田村 明
中京女大 健康科学
藤井 達三
Department of Biochemistry, Gifu Prefectural Medical School
佐藤 隆司
巽 義男
佐藤 隆司
藤井 達三
藤井 達三
Department Of Biochemistry Gifu Prefectural Medical School
佐藤 隆司
Department of Biochemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
河本 明彦
Department of Biochemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
田村 明
Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Home Economics, Chukyo Women's University
巽 義男
Kampo Research Laboratories, Kanebo Co., Ltd.
佐藤 隆司
河本 明彦
Department Of Biochemistry Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
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