Alkaloids from Streptomyces sp. NA-337
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1974-12-25
大村 智
Kitasato University and The Kitasato Institute
田中 晴雄
成松 由紹
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kitasato University
粟谷 寿一
Kitasato Institute
根田 八重子
- 29 Avermectin生合成の分子遺伝学的研究(口頭発表の部)
- Isolation and Characterization of a New 16-Membered Lactone, Protylonolide, from a Mutant of Tylosin-Producing Strain, Streptomyces fradiae KA-427
- Structure of Leucomycin A_1
- 抗HIV活性を有するgp120-CD4結合阻害剤
- Effects of Phytosterols on Anti-complementary Activity(Pharmacognosy,Chemical)
- 37 新規抗菌抗生物質Aurantininの生合成的手段による構造決定(口頭発表の部)
- Structure of a New Antimicrobial Unsaturated Fatty Acid from Sm. kitasatoensis NU-23-1
- Chemistry of Leucomycins. XII. Application of the Modified Polonovski Reaction to Leucomycin-A_3 N-Oxide
- Studies on Cerulenin. VI. Some Spectroscopic Features of Cerulenin
- A Novel Testosterone 5α-Reductase Inhibitor, 8', 9'-Dehydroascochlorin Produced by Verticillium sp. FO-2787
- 2 新抗生物貭nanaomycinの構造
- 微生物由来の受容体作用物質
- 骨芽細胞様細胞(MC3T3-E1)に及ぼすTGF-βの影響(動物-細胞培養-)
- The Alkaloid AM-6201 from Streptomyces xanthochromogenus
- Identification of the Aglycon Part of Vineomycin A_1 with Aquayamycin
- Oxaline and Neoxaline
- 75 セトミマイシンの構造と生合成
- Alkaloid from Thermoactinomyces Species
- 新しいモノサイクリックβ-ラクタム抗生物質-nocardicin A(トピックス)
- Revised Structure for an Alkaloid from Streptomyces sp. NA-337
- Alkaloids from Streptomyces sp. NA-337
- 秦藤樹博士・大村智博士 日本学士院賞受賞
- 日本薬学会学術賞紹介 木村智氏の業績
- 微生物生態論, 植村定治郎著, A5判, 217頁, 2800円, (学会出版センター)
- 51(P11) 糸状菌の生産する新規protein farnesyltransferase阻害剤andrastin類に関する研究(ポスター発表の部)
- 84(P77) gp120-CD4結合を阻害するペプチド抗生物質chloropeptinの構造(ポスター発表の部)
- Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships of O-Acyl Derivatives of Leucomycin for Antimicrobial and Ribosome-Binding Activities
- Structure of Carzinophilin. IV. Structure Elucidation by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. (2)
- 1 糸状菌の生産するアシルCoA : コレステロールアシル基転移酵素(ACAT)阻害剤ピリピロペンの全合成研究(口頭発表の部)
- Chemistry of Leucomycins. XI. Chemical Transformation of a Basic Macrolide to a Neutral Macrolide
- Structure of Pyrindicin
- Streptomyces sp. No. OS-1000の生産する凝乳活性を有する新蛋白分解酵素について
- Cephalosporium caerulens KF-140によるCeruleninの生産
- Structures and Biological Properties of Kinamycin A, B, C, and D
- Structure of Kinamycin C, and the Structural Relationship among Kinamycin A, B, C, and D
- Structure of Carzinophilin. II. A New Amino Acid and Its Derivative from Carzinophilin
- The Allylic Rearrangement of the Hydroxyl Group from C-9 to C-13 and the Absolute Configuration at C-9 of Leucomycin A_3
- The Chemistry of Leucomycins. III. Structure and Stereochemistry of Leucomycin A_3
- The Chemistry of Leucomycins. II. Glycosidic Linkages of Mycaminose and Mycarose on Leucomycin A_3
- The Chemistry of Leucomycins. I. Partial Structure of Leucomycin A_3.
- 10 放線菌の生産する神経突起伸長物質ラクタシスチンの合成研究(口頭発表の部)
- Steroids. VI. Alumina-Induced Reaction of 3β, 5α-Diacetoxy-6-nitriminocholestane
- Synthesis of the Alkaloid from Thermoactinomyces Species
- Steroids. IV. Revised Structure for the Product from 3β-Acetoxycholest-5-ene with Nitrous Acid
- 受容体作用物質:概論--探索とそれを用いる細胞機能解明の現状と展望 (細胞機能研究のための低分子プロ-ブ) -- (受容体作用物質)