Therapeutic Effect of Tetrahydrofolic Acid in Midlethally X-Irradiated Mice
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Tetrahydrofolic acid exhibited a life-prolonging effect in the midlethally X-irradiated mice, when it was intraperitoneally injected in the animals after the irradiation. In the tetrahydrofolic acid-treated animals, retardation of the growth rate in the body weigth was normalized in 5 days after the irradiation. Recovery in spleen and intestine weights as well as in the number of circulating blood leucocytes was more pronounced in the tetrahydrofolic acid-treated animals than in the control animals. However, it failed to increase the survival rate of the X-irradiated HeLa S_3 cells, when it was added in the culture medium after the irradiation. In a subsequent experiment, it was clarified that folic acid was devoid of this therapeutic effect.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1971-06-25
色田 幹雄
色田 幹雄
赤星 三弥
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
佐藤 史子
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
岡崎 雅彦
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
色田 幹雄
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
岡崎 雅彦
Yamanouchi Pharmaceut. Co. Ltd.
赤星 三弥
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