Studies on Active Principles of Tars. X. The Structures and Some Reactions of Antifungal Constituents in Pix Pini
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By following the antifungal activity, four antifungal principles, acetovanillone(1), two new cyclic β-diketones, (2 and 3), and an unknown compound (4), were isolated from wood tar, Pix Pini, which has been used traditionally for the treatment of fungal diseases in Japan. The structures of 2 and 3 were established by synthesis to be 1,1', 3,3'-tetraoxo-2,2'-bicyclopentyl and its 4-methyl derivative, respectively. Chemical reactivities and physical properties of 2 and 3 are also described.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1992-02-25
小菅 卓夫
辻 邦郎
石田 均司
静岡県大 薬
辻 邦郎
静岡県大 薬
石田 均司
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka
糠谷 東雄
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Shizuoka
全田 浩
Department Of Pharmacy Shinsyu University Hospital
辻 邦郎
小菅 卓夫
Cawthron Institute
石田 均司
糠谷 東雄
辻 邦郎
辻 邦郎
School of Pharmaceutical Science, University of Shizuoka
全田 浩
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Sinsyu University School Of Medicine
石田 均司
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Shizuoka
辻 邦郎
School Of Pharmaceutical Science University Of Shizuoka
全田 浩
信州大 医 病院
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