Bioconversion and Biosynthesis of 16-Membered Macrolide Antibiotics. X. Final Steps in the Biosynthesis of Spiramycin, using Enzyme Inhibitor : Cerulenin
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Final steps in the biosynthesis of spiramycin was studied by using cerulenin, a specific inhibitor of fatty acid and polyketide biosynthesis. The spiramycin-related compounds were tested for transformation with Streptomyces ambofaciens, a spiramycin producing strain, under the condition inhibiting the biosynthesis of aglycone by cerulenin. Forocidin I (4'-demycarosyl 9-deforosaminyl-spiramycin I) was converted into forocidin III (3-propionyl forocidin I), neospiramycin I (4'-demycarosyl spiramycin I), neospiramycin III (3-propionyl neospiramycin I), and spiramycin III (3-propionyl spiramycin I). Neospiramycin I was also converted to neospiramycin III and spiramycin III. Spiramycin I was rapidly transformed into spiramycin III, while neospiramycin III was not converted to any other compounds. These results suggested that the binding of forosamine to aglycone precedes the mycaroside formation, and that the acylation of aglycone at C-3 occurs in the final step of spiramycin biosynthesis.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1979-01-25
大村 智
池田 治生
大村 智
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato University
喜多尾 千秋
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato University
浜田 秀隆
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato University
池田 治生
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato University
大村 智
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kitasato University And The Kitasato Institute
喜多尾 千秋
Kitasato University and The Kitasato Institute
浜田 秀隆
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kitasato University
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