Effect of Calcitonin on Serum Glucose Concentration in Rats
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Calcitonin (CT) administered subcutaneously to intact and thyroparathyroidectomized rats caused a significant decrease in the serum calcium, while the serum glucose concentration increased. The maximal response was obtained with 80 MRC mU/100 g body weight. The lowest dose of CT which produces a detectable effect was approximately 20 MRC mU. Glucagon (5 μg/100 g) caused a rapid elevation in the serum glucose, reaching a maximum level within 15 min, whereas CT caused a more gradual increase in the serum glucose, reaching a maximum after 60 min. Administration of CT to fasted rats caused a significant increase in the serum glucose. Liver glycogen levels were relatively decreased by CT administration. Administration of CT produced the accumulation of calcium in liver cells and significantly elevated glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphorylase activities in liver homogenate. These results suggest that a rise in the serum glucose concentration produced by CT may involve the production of glucose in the liver.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1977-09-25
山本 丈夫
Department Of Environmental Biochemistry Shizuoka College Of Pharmacy
山本 丈夫
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
山口 正義
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
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