Effects of Insulin and Calcitonin on the Levels of Serum Calcium and Glucose in Rats
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A single intraperitoneal injection of calcium chloride solution (2.0 mg Ca^<2+>/100 g body weight) markedly increased both calcium and glucose levels in serum of rats. The increase of both calcium and glucose levels in serum produced by the injection of calcium was significantly inhibited by prior administration of insulin (0.1 U/100 g). In contrary, the level of serum glucose elevated by the injection of calcium was not lowered by the simultaneous administration of insulin and calcitonin (80 MRC mU/100 g), while the serum calcium level was decreased additively. The administration of calcitonin alone to rats caused an increase in serum glucose and a decrease in serum levels. These results suggest that calcitonin has an insulin inhibitory effects not mediated through hypocalcemia in rats.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1977-10-25
山本 丈夫
Department Of Environmental Biochemistry Shizuoka College Of Pharmacy
山本 丈夫
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
山口 正義
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
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