- 論文の詳細を見る
It was often reported that a liquefaction in sand layers induced by the earthquake caused severe damages to the constructions on the earth's surface. Therefore, the potential map of liquefaction is important for the reduction of disaster. In this study, we estimated the liquefaction potential considering a seismic intensity, and applied this new index to the evaluation of the liquefaction potential in the area of Noboribetsu City, Hokkaido. As a first step, the liquefaction potential was separately calculated using both methods proposed by KAGAMI and OHTA (1984) for Kawasaki City and SEED et al. (1985), and both results were compared each other. Next, the intensity difference was obtained from the method proposed by OHTA et al. (1979), which was based on a questionnaire survey. Finally, combining the above mentioned first and second step, we determined the new index for the liquefaction potential considering the seismic intensity. Through our study, we found the following results; 1) Comparing the liquefaction potentials by the methods of SEED et al. (PL-value) and KAGAMI and OHTA, both estimations showed a similar tendency. However, each values for four ranks estimated by both methods did not correspond, and the PL-value always became higher. 2) The ranking classification using the new index, which obtained as a weighted summation of the liquefaction potential and the intensity difference, was effective to evaluate the liquefaction potential considering seismic intensity for Noboribetsu City.
- 一般社団法人日本応用地質学会の論文
- 1996-08-10
後藤 典俊
後藤 典俊
武藤 章
武藤 章
鈴木 一成
横山 光一
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