The influence of ionic impurities on the Voltage Holding Ratio and Residual DC Voltage in LC cells.
- 論文の詳細を見る
These experiments are performed according to the different LC's resistivities to investigate the influence of ionic impurities on the VHR and residual DC voltage using various LC cells which have different polar Pl and ITO surface. We found that the increment of VHR depends on the polarity of Pls because the ionic adsorption is related to the polarity of surface, and the residual DC voltage depends mainly on the total ionic quantities rather than the polarity of Pls. In addition, we have known the different tendency of relationship between VHR and residual DC voltage depending on the pairs of LC-Pl's.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1995-10-24
Jang J
Kyunghee University
Jang Jin
Department Of Physics Kyunghee University
Kim K.j.
Lcd Lab. Lg Electronics Inc.
Kwon S
Lg Electronics Anyang Kor
Choi Y.s.
Lcd Lab. Lg Electronics Inc.
Jang J
Korea Institute Of Science And Technology
Kwon S.B.
LCD Lab., LG Electronics Inc.
Kim Jungha
LCD Lab., LG Electronics Inc.
Jung J.H.
LCD Lab., LG Electronics Inc.
Kwon S.b.
Lcd Lab. Lg Electronics Inc.
Kim Jungha
Lcd Lab. Lg Electronics Inc.
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