- 論文の詳細を見る
Several new saccharide sweeteners were added to the sponge cakes, and the properties of the cakes were evaluated as copared with the addition of sucrose. Those new saccharide sweeteners used were as follows: (A) reduced malt sugar syrup, maltitol; (B) reduced milk sugar, lactitol; (C) xyloligosaccharide; (D) commercial "non sugar," reduced malt sugar with Stebia. The cake batters were prepared by adding the above respective sweeteners mixed with sucrose in various ratios, and the effects on the properties and sensory evaluations of the baked cakes were investigated. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Sweeteners A was used most desirably for whipping in the preparation of cakes by adding the sweetener at 50-75% in mixtures with sucrose. The preferable properties of the cakes were maintained well on freeze preservation. The energy of these cakes were smaller by 5.4-8.1% than those of the cake with sucrose alone added. 2) Sweeteners B was added at 12.5-25% in mixture with sucrose to obtain cakes with preferable properties. When larger amounts of the sweetener were added, the properties of cakes became worse in freezing. Addition of the sweetener B showed little decrease of the calories of cakes. 3) Sweetener C was not used desirably for the preparation of cakes, owing to the browning reaction in the cake batters on baking. 4) With the addition of the larger amounts of sweetener D resulted in the less desirable whipping and browning reaction in the preparation of the cakes. The sweetener was added at about 25% in mixture with sucrose to obtain cakes with preferable properties maintained in freezing. The energy of this cake was smaller by 7.3% than that of one with sucrose only added.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1996-05-15
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