小麦粉成分および特性がスポンジケーキの膨化に及ぼす影響(第4報) : 粉のエージングの影響
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To elucidate the effects of storing (aging) of flour on the expansion of sponge cake batter, the composition of free lipid, the gelatinization properties and baking characteristics of flours stored at 40℃ (37% RH) for 50 days were investigated. Flour samples were prepared by defatting and reconstituting. The results were as follows:(1) Yields of free (diethyl ether-extractable) lipid from flours decreased after storing flour. Free fatty acid content in lipid of the stored flour increased. (2) Hardness and apparent viscosity of the flour-water suspension measured at 25℃ increased after storing flour.(3) Maximum viscosity of the defatted stored flour was higher than that of the defatted original flour. The maximum viscosity of the reconstituted flours became higher with the increase of the amount of the FFA contents in the lipid added.(5) Cake volume prepared from the stored flour was larger than that from the original flour. Degree of baking shrinkage of cake batter made from the stored flour was smaller than that from the original flour.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1992-08-15
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