- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to prepare the better tasty food for allergic patients. The bread with amaranth was produced and tests were executed in the volume rate to get better tasty bread, and then the sensory test was done. As the result of these tests,the best mixture ratio was determined and a clinical test was dome. The results for each tests are as follows:(1)The volume rate: The volume rate was measured for the breads with amaranth of 3,10,15,20,25,30,35and 40%,and the followings were obtained.1)The lower mixrute ratio of amaranth gave rise to the higher volume rate. 2)Bread with amaranth at lower percent than 30% had higher volume rate than the standard without shortening and/or sugar.(2)Sensory test: The sensory tests, six attributes(color of bread, aroma, taste, flavor, overall, better daily food for allergic patients)were examined for 25,30 and 35% amaranth breads. The mixture ratio of 30% amaranth was decided as the suitable one for allergic patients. According to the above results, a better mixture ratio was 30 of amaranth, 70 of flour, 1 of dry yeast, 63 of water, and 2 of salt.(3)It became clear that the above mixture ratio of the bread was better for allergic patients by the clinical test done in the allergical clinic.
- 1992-01-15
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