14) Glycol Celluloseを基質とするCellulase活性の測定について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The applicability of glycol cellulose, a water soluble derivative of cellulose, as a substrate in the determination of cellulase activity was studied.The stability of glycol cellulose in aqueous solution, and the sensitivity of the viscosity of glycol cellulose solution to pH and ionic strength were investigated, in comparison with similar properties of a carboxymethyl cellulose solution. In addition, the mode of enxymetric hydrolysis of glycol cellulose was compared with that of carboxymethyl cellulose.Consequently, glycol cellulose was found to be a favorable substrate in both the viscometric and reducing power estimation methods for the determination of cellulase activity. While there were no marked differences between the two cellulose derivatives with respect to decrease in viscosity or increase in reducing power upon enzymatic hydrolysis, the viscosity of carboxymethyl cellulose solution in contracts to that of glycol cellulose solution, was affected significantly by changed in pH and ionic strength.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1963-06-15
岩崎 照雄
徳安 清親
船津 勝
船津 勝
船津 勝
徳安 清親
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- 14) Glycol Celluloseを基質とするCellulase活性の測定について
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