清酒酵母に関する研究 : (第3報)清酒醸造における酒母および醪中の酵母数について
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The populations of yeasts produced in the process of seed mash making and mash fermentation were studied for 8 years. The total population of yeast was measured by a haemacytometer, while the count of living yeast was determined by the dilution plate method. Using the Kimoto procedure a rapid growth of yeast was not recognized in the early stage of brewing (the total population of yeast at the end of ten days was 10^4〜10^5/ml). After the intermediate period of seed mash making (Fukure period), the population of yeast increased suddenly, and the maximum value reached was 1.8〜2.0×10^8/ml ; and then it slightly decreased until a later period called Karashi. Changes of population were not recognized after 30 days.In the seed mash made by the Sokujyo procedure the yeast showed a comparatively rapid growth in the early stage, and during the Fukure period the counts of yeast were smaller than found in the Kimoto procedure, but after that the Sokujyo procedure showed a superior growth rate, and the maximum values reached 2.2-2.5×10^8/ml.During the Karashi period the count of living yeast found when using the Sokujyo procedure was less than found when using the Kimoto procedure. This result was the opposite of the count of yeast found in the ripened mashed.In the process of mash fermentation most of the growth took place in the first stage (the first period of three stage mashing process) and until the second day in the third stage (Tome period) After the mashing of the Tome period the maximum count of yeast remained at 4-4.5×10^8/ml until 7-8 days had elapsed. In the mash in which the contents of direct reducing sugar were high during the first stage of fermentation, the maximum count was 3.5×10^8/ml, and was less than the count for standard fermentation and it was prolonged to the number of day needed to reach the maximum value.In defective seed mash and fermentation mash, the population of yeast was 1/3-1/4 of that of normal fermentation.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1962-10-15
- 5. 醪および熟成中のアミノ酸の変化 : 清酒醸造中の成分変化に関する研究 (第3報)
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- 清酒酵母に関する研究 : (第3報)清酒醸造における酒母および醪中の酵母数について
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- 7.清酒酵母に関する研究(第14報) : 酵母の酒精耐性に就て(追補)
- 6.清酒酵母に関する研究(第13報) : 亞硝酸耐性に就て(其の1)
- 7.清酒酵母に関する研究 (第14報) : 酵母の酒精耐性に就て (追補)(大阪醸造学会第10回講演会研究発表要旨)
- 6.清酒酵母に関する研究 (第13報) : 亞硝酸耐性に就て (其の1)(大阪醸造学会第10回講演会研究発表要旨)
- 8. 清酒酵母に関する研究(第12報) : 乳酸耐性に就いて
- 7.清酒酵母の研究(第11報) : 再び清酒酵母の耐酒精性について(大阪釀造學會第7回講演會研究發表要旨)
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- 102 清酒酵母の発育阻害因子について : (第1報) 清酒酵母の生成する発育阻害因子
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