- 論文の詳細を見る
Japanese breweries of Sake and Mirin have traditionally employed a simple hand process for the preparation of the mold culture "Koji"(culture of Asp. oryzae on rice), but recently automatic method of "Koji" preparation has been developed, and is gradually becomming popular with breweries.We have found that automatically made "Koji" can be utilized for industrial use. But it is necessary to find out the difference of the qualities between the traditional and automatic made type of "Koji", and furthermore to decide the best conditions-temperature. humidity, hours etc.-for the preparation of "Koji". We report here on the enzymatic power of koji (on α-Amylase, s-Amylase, Protease and Catalase) under several conditions, and discuss about aged "Koji" for practical use.1. In the temperature range of 30°-40℃, the "Koji" prepared at a relatively higher temp.(36-40℃) shows stronger diastatic power (α-and s-Amylase), than at a lower temperature.2. Proteolytic power (at pH 3.0 and pH 7.5) is strong when "Koji" is prepared at a relatively lower temp. (near 32℃).3. The power of catalase is strong in the case of wet "Koji".4.The condition presented in Fig. 5,Type (4), has been shown to be the best method for "Sake Koji" preparation.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1963-04-15
森田 日出男
森田 日出男
高山 卓美
小穴 富司雄
高山 卓美
高山 卓美
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